
The Bandung Police Narcotics Investigation Unit has secured more than six kilograms of marijuana which is suspected to be circulated on New Year's Eve 2023 in Bandung Regency, West Java. Bandung Police Chief Kombes Kusworo Wibowo said the disclosure began with the arrest of the suspect with the initials TH (41) on Tuesday, December 13. According to him, three months earlier, Bandung Police investigators had investigated TH's movements. "From TH, a search was carried out and evidence was obtained weighing 615 grams of marijuana," said Kusworo at the Bandung Police, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, December 20. From the arrest, he explained, his party carried out a more in-depth investigation. Until finally the police received information that there was marijuana hoarding in the Arjasari Forest area. "Then the excavation was carried out and found 6 kilograms of marijuana," he said. Based on the investigation, the suspect was previously suspected of possessing 10 kilograms of marijuana. However, he said, it is suspected that 4 kilograms of marijuana have been successfully circulated. Meanwhile, the remaining 6 kilograms are suspected of being buried by the suspect and want to be circulated during the 2022 Christmas and 2023 New Year holidays. According to him, the TH suspect is a recidivist in a narcotics abuse case. "If one roll of marijuana was consumed by four people, then from this 6 kilograms of marijuana (was secured), we could save 26,460 people," said Kusworo. As a result of his actions, TH was charged with Article 114 Paragraph 2 and Article 111 Paragraph 2 of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics with a maximum penalty of death.

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