
A total of 69 houses were reported damaged by the movement of land that hit residential areas in Pancasura Village, Singajaya District, Garut Regency, West Java. The damaged house cracked until the foundation of the building became tilted.

"There were houses affected by the movement of land in Pancasura Village in the past few months until now there are 69 houses," Pancasura Village Head Tohibin told reporters in Garut, Tuesday, December 20, that Antara had confiscated.

He said that the movement of land in Pancasura Village had occurred since a few months ago which slowly damaged people's houses scattered in several villages.

Initially, he said, damage to residents' houses in the land movement area fell on 53 houses, then it was reported that currently it had increased to 69 houses.

He said that the houses of residents who had just been reported to be affected by land movement were in Lebakmenak Village with three houses, Gunung Batu Village with two houses, Ciarakoneng Village with seven houses, and Ciagra Village with four houses.

"Only 16 houses have been reported, so the total is until the end of this year 69 houses," he said.

He conveyed that the level of damage to houses due to soil movement seemed to appear cracked on the walls of a permanent house, while the semi-permanent house the position of the building became tilted.

In addition to destroying houses, he continued, there are also village roads, as well as environmental roads in watersheds where cracks occur, some have collapsed.

"The 11-kilometer village road has cracks and subsides, the environmental road in Ciarakoneng Village is 4 kilometers long until it breaks, while the residents' rice fields are 30 hectares," he said.

Regarding the efforts of the local government in tackling the areas affected by the land movement, said Tohibin, it has been carried out by deploying a disaster mitigation survey team to Pancasura Village.

In addition, he continued, the local government has also provided assistance in the form of basic necessities and building materials in the form of cement, and it is hoped that there will be more assistance because previously it was not enough.

The government has also, he said, urged the public to be willing to be relocated to a place that is considered safe from land movement disasters, but there are still people who object to the reason the location is far from where they originally lived.

"They still object to being moved on the grounds that the place that will be used for relocation is far from the original location," he said.

A resident of Pancasura Village, Yuyun, said that his house is currently tilted because the land around the house has collapsed, even so it remains occupied because there is no longer a place to live.

"It's still occupied, it's afraid of collapsing, but what can I do because there is no place to live anymore," he concluded.

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