
JAKARTA - Peru President Dina Bouarte, who is leading the transitional government following the overthrow of his predecessor, will replace the prime minister as part of his cabinet reshuffle, he said on Sunday.

Bouarte was vice president until earlier this month when his predecessor, former President Pedro Castillo, was removed from office and later detained after trying to illegally dissolve Congress.

Since taking on a new role, the Bouarte government has been rocked by widespread political turmoil and protests, which have killed 20 people, with six others killed after an incident related to a road blockade, authorities said.

The protests, worst hit the Andes nation in years, threatening to disrupt Peru's economic and political stability, undermined investor confidence in the world's number two copper producer.

Cabinet changes will take place on Monday and Tuesday, Bouarte told news program America Television "Cuarto Poder" on Sunday.

The reshuffle follows the resignation of the minister of education and culture, who left for death during the protests.

President Bouarte said at a press conference on Saturday the move was prompted by the need "to be able to place a knowledgeable minister in every sector."

He did not hint at a possible replacement for Pedro Angulo, who has only been prime minister for a week.

"No one can have a minister who will study while working," President Bouarte said.

"This is a transitional government, we must act quickly," he said.

President Boarte also added that the new Cabinet, which will work with the opposition-led Congress, would be "a little more political."

"We will reshape the Cabinet, perhaps a more technical Cabinet, but also a little more political to be able to create a bridge to this dialogue," he said.

It is known that former President Castillo had frequent fights with Congress, which held two failed impeachment attempts against him. After Castillo tried to dissolve Congress, the third succeeded.

Castillo, who was set to remain in pre-trial detention for 18 months while is under investigation on charges of insurgency and conspiracy, blamed Congress, which it said was led by the Peruvian elite, for forcing its hands.

Since its ouster, protesters - some of Castillo supporters, former teachers and son of farmers, others have been unhappy with the current government - having taken to the streets, blocked roads and closed several major airports for days.

It is known, the Peru Congress is seen as corrupt and selfish, very unpopular among the people of Peru. Only 11 percent agreed to parliament, according to the Datum poll.

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