
TRENGGALEK - An elementary school building in Panggul District, Trenggalek, East Java is prone to collapse due to a cliff-retaining plengseng under the school building, collapsed due to landslides "We are worried that if more heavy rains will trigger further landslides that endanger students and teachers in the classroom," said a member of the Panggul District Rapid Response Team (TRC), Sumarsono in Trenggalek, Antara, Sunday, December 18. The landslide incident that caused the plengseng of the SD Tangkil building to collapse occurred in the early hours of Saturday morning, at around 02.00 WIB. Previously, the Panggul sub-district was raining with high intensity. Hujan terjadi sejak Jumat, 16 Desember sore sekitar pukul 14.30 WIB hingga Sabtu sekitar pukul 04.00 WIB. Longsornya pagar sekolah itu mengancam sisi bangunan lainnya yang tidak jauh. This is because the building next to the landslide fence, which is used as a means of learning activities for students, is threatened with collapse if landslides in the fence area worsens with rainfall that often flush the Earth Menak Sopal area. "We urge you to always be careful and alert to anticipate further landslides," he added. For the time being, he continued, in addition to cleaning the landslide material, the location around the damaged school fence will also be handled by an emergency. The trick, he continued, is to close the tarp so that rainwater does not enter the soil pores which can trigger an increase in the potential for landslides. Referring to the BMKG prediction, the peak rainfall is expected to occur at the end of December or January 2023.

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