TERNATE - The North Maluku Election and Democracy Study Institute (LSPD) questioned what barometers Bawaslu used to classify North Maluku in five provinces in Indonesia to be included in the 2024 General Election Insecurity Index (IKP). Malut's position is in third place after DKI Jakarta.
"Bawaslu must explain to the public why North Maluku's IKP is of high value, what size or barometer. Because North Maluku's last election was a success in its implementation," said Director of LSPD Malut Alfajri A Rahman in Ternate, Antara, Sunday, December 18.
The indicators compiled the IKP using the source of the previous election implementation. The data source used by the Indonesian Bawaslu is for the first place in DKI Jakarta 88.95, North Sulawesi 87.45 and North Maluku with a value of 84.86.
Alfajri added, when viewed from the Bawaslu presentation to determine 5 provinces, one of which is that North Maluku is prone and entered into the first rank of two-dimensional vulnerable, namely high-prone, namely the Social Context and Dimension of Contestation.
Therefore, the question then, said Alfajri, what are the underlying indicators and then produce the conclusion that the IKP of North Maluku is high. Because IKP data sources of course use data sources in the implementation of the 2019 Election and 2020 Pilkada and are used as a measure of supervision for the implementation of the 2024 General Election.
"The surprising thing is the highest Dimension of Conservation and the dimensionality of Social Context with a vulnerability value of 100, because the operational Dimension of Social Politics is aimed at measuring the level of pre-election security, during elections and after elections, the authority of election organizers, integrity and professionals of state administrators and power relations at the local level," said Alfajri.
If this dimension is given a value of 100, said Alfajri, first, the level of security at all stages has the potential to be a problem, both election organizers are controlled by State Administrators and third ASN Netrality.
"If the size of the ASN neutrality I agree that North Maluku is a high case and the fourth is whether the primordial issue is an important issue in North Maluku or not," said Alfajri.
While the dimension of the contestation is operationally aimed at measuring the political rights of gender, minority representation and nomination process, if the dimension of the contestation is measured at a value of 100 then of course the answer is the failure of women's contestation or 30 percent of women's representation in the 2019 elections, then minority groups control contestation in North Maluku and the nomination process is problematic.
He added, this is of course the task of Bawaslu to explain to the public which IKP predicates are obtained so that everyone knows what indicators are the data sources used.
"Because previously the North Maluku Bawaslu did not carry out a kind of FGD forum to invite stakeholder groups to discuss IKP indicators, suddenly we were driven by IKP results like this, namely 3rd in Indonesia, one really bad achievement," said Alfajri.
Meanwhile, Bawaslu Malut emphasized the importance of open public information services for election administration, especially facing the implementation of simultaneous elections in 2024.
The chairman of the North Maluku Bawaslu, Hj Masita Nawawi, stated that his party continues to open this very important public information service in holding the 2024 election stage, there will definitely be many requests for data and information regarding the supervision, handling of violations and dispute resolutions.
According to him, public information disclosure is a measure for Bawaslu in providing information to the public as an informative institution or institution that is not informative.
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