JAKARTA - The Millennial Spokesperson for the National Awakening Party (PKB), Mikhap Sinaga, regretted giving Deddy Corbuzier the rank of betuler by Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto.
According to my mind, the problem is not Prabowo's move to cooperate with Deddy Corbuzier, but the issue of giving the title of betuler, which is considered by a number of circles to have no urgency.
"With Om Deddy's ability in the field of social media, if the Minister of Defense really wants to cooperate, go ahead without having to give the title of tertiary," he said in a written statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, December 18.
He also regretted Deddy Corbuzier's attitude in accepting the military rank of lieutenantsurgeant. "There are many ways and various fields to defend the country," added the preacher.
Prabowo Subianto's move to pin the rank of lieutenant colonelitular to youtuber has drawn controversy. Criticism of giving ranks to citizens commensurate with the position of soldier came from the public and members of the Indonesian House of Representatives.
Meanwhile, the Spokesperson for the Defense Minister, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, explained that the rank of Lt. Col. Tintular was given to Deddy Corbuzier because he was considered to have the special ability needed by the TNI, namely the capacity of communication on social media.
After receiving the rank, Deddy Corbuzier will be assigned as a reserve component ambassador (komcad), who plays a role in conducting socialization as well as campaigns related to defense issues through social media.
Deddy himself considered the awarding of the tautular rank as a form of appreciation and trust from the TNI and the Ministry of Defense.
"This means starting a new journey for me to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Republic of Indonesia in a clean and impartial manner, except for Pancasila. Hopefully, with my presence in the TNI extended family, I can provide more new colors and ideas for the people, nation and state," he said.
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