
TANGERANG - Police arrested four youths who were suspected of trying to fight on Mekarsari Tomb Road, Cibodas, Tangerang City. The four youths had the initials BA (19), MAS (15) RM (17) and (16).

Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho said the incident occurred on Sunday, December 18, at 03.30 WIB.

Zain said the youths made an appointment with their opponents at the agreed place. However, before that happened, his party was able to prevent and secure the four young men.

"Yes, it is true that four teenagers were arrested. Because they are suspected of wanting to do a brawl," said Zain in his statement, Sunday, December 18.

In addition to securing a number of teenagers, officers also found two bottles containing pertalite covered with cloth (molotov cocktails) suspected of being a tool for brawls. As well as the two motorbikes used by the young man.

"We also secured three cellphones belonging to the perpetrators, which when examined contained conversations containing invitations to fight with other groups," he said.

Currently, the police are identifying and registering the perpetrators where they will be given guidance.

"We call parents and the heads of each RT and RW, including the school," he said.

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