
JAKARTA - The streets around the Radisson Blu Hotel, Berlin are terrible. More than 1,500 tropical fish circulate on muddy roads wet by millions of liters of water.

A giant aquarium containing a million liters of water in the Radisson Blu lobby in Berlin exploded. This incident flooded hotels and the surrounding streets. Two people were injured in broken glass after the explosion.

"AquaDom" - home to 1,500 tropical fish - 15.85m tall (52 ft) and described as the largest free-standing cylindrical aquarium in the world.

Police said there had been tremendous damage. The video shows empty tanks with water flowing into the hotel lobby.

Guests have been moved from the hotel after the incident at 05:50 a.m. (04:50 GMT).

A Berlin fire brigade spokesman said most of the fish had died, and the cold weather made rescue efforts more difficult. The tank contains more than 100 different species.

Outside Radisson Blu, piles of debris lying in front of the front door, which is now hanging onto the road - tilted tilted by the strength of the exploding tank.

Quoted from the BBC, witness Paul Maletzki, who lives on the fourth floor, admitted to being awakened by a loud explosion. When he looked into the lobby, he saw the water flowing above him. They and other guests were then escorted out of the hotel by armed police.

Mayor of Berlin Franziska Giffey went to the hotel to see the damage. He described tank explosions like tsunamis.

Some are grateful for Franziska Giffey when this incident occurs at dawn. You see, one hour after the explosion, usually lobbying and the outside road will be busy with visitors, many of them are children.

This akuarium was modernized two years ago. There is a clear wall lift built inside for use by visitors. Some rooms in the hotel are advertised to have views.

The Berlin fire brigade Brigade said more than 100 firefighters were sent to the scene and it was not clear what caused the damage.

It said it used rescue dogs to inspect the area inside the hotel to find anyone potentially injured, without anyone being found.

A police source told no evidence that the explosion was the result of the targeted attack. But there is speculation that the freezing temperature - which fell to -6C overnight - may have caused cracks in the tank.

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