
TANGERANG - Rain accompanied by strong winds that hit the Tangerang Regency area caused damage to a number of houses. One of them is in Bojong Kamal Village, Legok, Tangerang Regency. In that incident one person was reported to have suffered injuries.

The Head of Emergency and Logistics of the Tangerang Regency BPBD, Abdul Munir, said that there were two houses whose roofs were blown by the wind. The incident occurred Friday, December 16, at 15.40 WIB.

"It rained accompanied by strong winds and caused several roofs of people's houses to be carried away by the wind. One person was rushed to the clinic because he was hit by asbestos," said Munir in his statement, Friday, December 16.

Munir said that until now his party and the villagers were cleaning up the debris. In addition, the central village apparatus has also visited the scene.

"It is being handled by local residents and the village after a location survey by BPBD," he said.

On the occasion, Munir could not yet suspect material losses as a result of the incident. However, he confirmed that there were no casualties in the incident.

"There are no casualties," he concluded.

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