
The South Sumatra Police's Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) team (Sumsel) uncovered 51 cases of oil drilling without permission or illegally or illegal drilling over the past 14 days.

"The disclosure of 51 illegal drilling cases in state asset wells previously managed by the cooperation contract contractor (KKKS) was carried out in the last two weeks," said the Director of Criminal Investigation at the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Pol. Muhammad Barly Ramadhani in Palembang, South Sumatra, Thursday, December 15, confiscated by Antara.

He explained that illegal oil drilling activities, not only violate the law but can endanger the safety of the souls of the perpetrators and the surrounding community, as well as environmental damage.

"Oil thickening illegally is a violation of the law, even in its development it can have an impact on the environment, habitat and ecosystem," he said.

According to him, to create an environment that is free from illegal drilling activities, all kinds of practice of irregularities or irregularities of subsidized fuel without special permission, disclosure and prosecution continue to be carried out to create a safe situation.

"For the time being, the target of Illegal Drilling Operations is all forms of potential security disturbances, both main actors of irregularities or irregularities of subsidized fuel without permission, as well as from other security disturbances," he said.

He further emphasized that his party will take action against perpetrators who abuse or misappropriate in terms of illegal drilling.

"Whatever it takes, we will take action, especially regarding illegal drilling, for that his party is coordinating with relevant agencies in efforts to eradicate illegal drilling," he said.

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