
JAKARTA - Although only temporarily with the status of Acting Governor of DKI, Heru Budi Hartono sees his duties as leading Jakarta, quite heavy.

This Heru revealed in a coordination meeting on corruption prevention with Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata.

Heru admitted that he was asked by Alexander about his interest in leaving the status of ASN to participate in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada in 2024. Feeling that his workload was already heavy, Heru replied that he did not want to run as a candidate for the Governor of DKI in the election.

"Earlier, Mr (Alexander) asked, 'Are you going forward?' So the governor's acting is already difficult, it's tough. (Governor) will be in 2024, just leave it to those who want it," said Heru at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Thursday, December 15.

Heru admitted that he only wanted to carry out his duties until they were finished. He was appointed as Acting Governor of DKI by the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian on October 17, 2022. Heru handed over to the central government regarding the duration of his term of office.

"I carry out this task until it is finished. As mandated by the inauguration, there is a sentence like this, 'for, at the longest, one year or can be extended'. So, maybe it can take turns once every 3 months. That's about it," said Heru.

On that basis, Heru asked all levels of the DKI Provincial Government and regional-owned enterprises (BUMD) to increase efforts to prevent corruption in carrying out work programs that use the regional budget.

Given, DKI Jakarta Province received the best ranking in the Integrated Corruption Prevention Program or Monitoring Control for Prevention of 90.01 percent.

"DKI received a score of 90. This achievement puts the DKI Jakarta Provincial government in the green zone or the highest zone for implementing corruption prevention programs for all intervention areas. Therefore, I ask colleagues from the BUMD ranks, the head of the service, to maintain this," he explained.

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