
JAKARTA - The National Police suspects that the attacks on the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua have recently been based on a number of warnings celebrated by separatist groups in December. One of them was the birthday of the Free Papua Organization (OPM).

"In December the excalation increased, why in Indonesia increased, in December there were several warnings, warnings of their independence, warnings of various events in December, this is increasing the excaliation," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Wednesday, December 14, evening.

Thus, the National Police will increase vigilance. Then, continue to work with local governments and community leaders to prevent further attacks.

"We must increase vigilance in collaboration with TNI colleagues, then local governments and religious figures, this is important," said Dedi.

Meanwhile, the KKB had attacked a group of police officers who were patrolling the Tindaret Village, North Yapen District, Yapen Islands Regency, Papua, on Tuesday, December 13.

As a result of the attack, a civilian died. Then, four vehicles were burned.

Yapen Islands Police Chief AKBP Herzoni Saragih explained that the incident that occurred last Tuesday began when members headed to the blocking location in Tindaret Village. But before arriving at the TKP, suddenly fired from a height.

In addition to shooting, the KKB led by camera Marani unfurled wood behind the vehicle used to transport personnel.

"As a result of the blocking, the vehicle could not move forward or back down and when it was about to be cut off the saw who was brought from Serui they were shot from a height," said Saragih.

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