
DEPOK - Deolipa Yumara admitted that he did not care, even though the Depok City Government (Pemkot) postponed the eviction of SDN Pondok Cina 1, Beji, Depok City. According to him, the report submitted to Polda Metro Jaya focused on neglecting children's rights referring to Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection. "Whatever happens, evictions are postponed or relocated is not our business. That's not the business of the government. I don't care about going there, so what I care about is that there are no teachers who teach," Deolipa told reporters at SDN Pondok Cina 1, Wednesday, December 14.... So we separate between political work, economic work, government work with children. Children don't mix here, "he continued. Deolipa also considers the reporting alleged to the Mayor of Depok, as a turning point to prevent the same thing from happening.

This is considered, no. It is this child right that we are fighting for. So that this is a big lesson for Indonesia so that in the future there should not be something like this arbitrarily against children," he said. Previously, it was reported that the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Endra Zulpan confirmed that there was such a report. Reports are registered with the number LP/B/6354/XII/2022/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya. In this case, Mohammad Idris Abdul as the reported party is suspected of violating the Child Protection Act. "Yes, that's right," Zulpan said in a short message, Wednesday, December 14. In his report, Deolipa Yumara also attached four witnesses namely Hendro, Ikravani, Chrles Sihombing, Putra Tarigan to strengthen the violation committed by the reported party. Meanwhile, the alleged article is Article 77 Junto Article 76A concerning Article 76A Number No. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Environment Currently, Zulpan explained that his party is still studying the report. "The report will be processed," he said.

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