
JAKARTA - Three former Ferdy Sambo's subordinates had undergone a polygraph test during the investigation process of the death of Brigadier J. However, only Bripka Ricky Rizal and Bharada Richard

This fact was conveyed by Aji Febriyanto, a member of the National Police for the field of forensic computers who had expertise in the field of polygraphs during the trial of the alleged murder case of Brigadier J at the South Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, December 14.

Aji revealed the results of the three polygraph tests when answering questions from the public prosecutor (JPU). Initially, he said the results of the honesty test examination were calculated with a score.

If the results are minus, then, the object of the examinee is declared lying. And vice versa.

"Strong ma'ruf the first two examinations were +9 and the second was -13," said Aji.

"Ricky twice too, first +11 both +19, and Richard +13," he continued.

With this result, the defendant Strong Ma'ruf was deemed not to have shown consistency in providing information. Because, in the first question he answered honestly but not in the second question

"If you look at, be honest and are indicated to be lying. So ask permission from Strong Brother, we carry out two examinations with different issues. Two questions," said Aji.

Meanwhile, the defendants Ricky Rizal and Bharada E answered the questions honestly. Evidenced by the pluses of the scoring results.

"The results are both honest," said Aji.

Meanwhile, Strong Ma'ruf, Bripka Ricky Rizal, and Bharada Richard media were jointly charged with premeditated murder of Brigadier J.

Thus, they were charged with violating Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to (1) of the Criminal Code.

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