
The latest Criminal Code (KUHP) was passed on December 6. Attorney General ST Burhanuddin asked all prosecutors to study the articles contained in the new Criminal Code.

This mandate was conveyed by Burhanuddin, in closing the Education and Training of the Formation of Prosecutors (PPPJ) Force 79 Waves II of 2022 at the Education and Training Agency of the Jakarta Prosecutor's Office. "Make sure you understand very well every offense and element of the articles contained, so that you can apply it appropriately at the time the Criminal Code was implemented," said Burhanuddin in a written statement, Wednesday, December 14, confiscated by Antara. to his staff, Burhanuddin said that the Criminal Code was only after it was approved as a law by the DPR and the government would be promulgated in 2025. According to him, the prosecutor has three years during the transition period to study the new Criminal Code. In the context of implementing the Criminal Code, Burhanuddin said it was necessary to carry out internalization in the Prosecutor's work unit by carrying out more group dynamics, namely bringing in academic and practitioner experts, so that there is uniformity and common mindset in the implementation of the Criminal Code in the future.

Furthermore, said Burhanuddin, in essence, prosecutors are one of various legal practitioner professions. To become a reliable legal practitioner, he continued, he can be illustrated through his critical and argumentative thinking skills in understanding principles, assumptions, rules, so that it will give birth to an aggregate argument, either through verbal, writing, or behavior. The number one person in the Attorney General's Office asked all his staff, Adhyaksa, to carry out their duties properly, as well as to the authority they have to familiarize themselves in handling a case. Because, he said, only through the seriousness of practicing and practicing practices, a prosecutor is used to use a systematic legal thinking structure in order to find, reveal and justify hidden meanings in a legal event. "So that you have high accuracy in analyzing and solving a legal problem that exists in society," said Burhanuddin.

Burhanuddin added that prosecutors are not only sharpening their cognitive ability continuously, but are also required to train their own sensitivity as law enforcers. According to him, the sensitivity of a prosecutor is important as the key to providing humane law enforcement. "That way, continued Burhanuddin, if prosecutors find various cases that are related to small communities with a low level of accidents, the prosecutor can act by prioritizing conscience in handling the case. "Remember my message, a prosecutor in addition to having a sharp mind, is also required to have a refined sense of decency," he said. At the end of his mandate, Burhanuddin reminded about the figure of an ideal prosecutor who is able to unite cognitive abilities and sensitivities simultaneously. "If the prosecutor is able to bring these three things together simultaneously, there will certainly be uniformity of mindset, capacity, and good quality to become an ideal prosecutor figure," he said.

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