
The Judicial Commission (KY) received grants in the form of land and buildings looted by the state from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) worth Rp. 6.7 billion.

"With a total asset value of around Rp. 6.7 billion in Surabaya, for us this is a 'gift' for the institution," said KY Chairman Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata, in a written statement, Wednesday, December 14, confiscated by Antara.

Mukti said the looted state items handed over were the houses of the Rich Palace Office Number H-11 and H-12 located on Jalan Mayjen Sungkono, Dukuh Pakis Village, Dukuh Pakis District, Surabaya City.

The determination of the status of use (PSP) and grants of state booty were handed over by KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri to KY Chairman Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata.

"Of course we will interpret it as a form of support from the government and the wider community through the KPK and related parties to KY in carrying out their duties and authorities," said Mukti.

On that occasion, Mukti explained the role of the KY liaison office for the last nine years assisting the authority and duties of the institution

"This is a strategic and vital role where KY is only in the capital city, but his work reach covers 9000 judges throughout Indonesia," he explained.

Currently and in the future, the challenges of the KY liaison office are not easy. Therefore, the assets given to KY will help strengthen institutions in carrying out the constitutional mandate.

Mukti said that currently KY has 12 liaison offices in the regions.

Then in 2022, KY will again open eight connecting offices in other regions. However, only three regions have provided assets for use by KY, namely East Nusa Tenggara, West Kalimantan and East Java.

To obtain grants from local governments, ministries and KY institutions continue to coordinate and cooperate, one of which is with the anti-corruption commission.

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