
JAKARTA - The elected TNI Commander, Admiral Yudo Margono, said that giving the rank of Lt. Col. Tintular to civil society is allowed as long as those who receive it can bring progress to the TNI. Yudo said this in response to the awarding of the rank of Lieutenant Lt. Col. Situler to the presenter, Deddy Corbuzier. In fact, he said, in the Navy there was also something that was given the rank of majoritiator because of his musical ability," said Yudo at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 13. Not without reason, giving the rank of Major is tentular because it can make the Indonesian Navy have progress in the field of music. "When I was a cadet, there was something that taught me, the major was responsible because he had abilities that were not owned by the navy at that time. Because he had abilities that were not owned by the navy," explained the KSAL. In terms of the rules, Yudo added, there is no problem if the civil society is given the title if it is indeed needed.

"There is no (problem), there are rules that can be minimized if the professionalism is needed for the advancement of the TNI," he said.

"What I said earlier, so I didn't have the ability to put it on, I called outsiders to train cadets, so he became a lecturer as a teacher to train them during my time as a cadet for 4 years," added Yudo Margono.

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