
PAPUA - An armed criminal group (KKB) shot to death an employee of the Papua Regional Development Bank (BPD) in Sinak, Puncak Regency, Tuesday, December 13 morning.

"That's right," said Danrem 173/PVB Brigadier General Sri Widodo when confirmed, Tuesday, December 13, as reported by Antara.

Danrem added that the Papuan BPD employee was named Darius Yumame. The victim was shot and died at 09.30 WIT.

"He was shot by KSB until he died in Sinak," said Danrem.

Previously, the KKB killed three motorcycle taxi drivers in Mangabib Village, Oksebang District, Bintang Mountains Regency on Monday, December 5.

The KKB accused the three people he killed of being members of the TNI-Polri intelligence. However, the Commander of Korem 172/PWY Brigadier General J.O Sembiring denied the allegations.

"So it is not true that they (KKB) say that the victims are intelligence officers, they are really civil society who daily seek a piece of rice to meet the needs of their families by working as motorcycle taxi drivers," he said.

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