
Secretary General of the Hanura Party, Kodrat Shah, denied the news that the General Chairperson of Oesman Sapta Odang (OSO) had supported Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

"I emphasize that the video circulating contains the narrative of the General Chairperson Hanura Oesman Sapta supporting Anies Baswedan, it is a hoax," said Kodrat in his statement in Jakarta, Monday, December 12.

He emphasized that OSO had never issued a statement or declaration to support Anies as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

Kodrat criticized irresponsible parties for spreading hoax videos that went viral in the community.

"We deeply regret it and we criticized it. They dared to spread hoax videos that were clearly irresponsible," he said as quoted by Antara.

According to him, Hanura is still waiting for President Jokowi's direction regarding the figure of a presidential candidate who will be supported in the 2024 presidential election.

He said Hanura would support presidential and vice presidential pairs who have the potential to win in the 2024 presidential election, and uphold the principles of Pancasila and diversity.

In addition, Kodrat explained that Hanura is currently focusing on dealing with factual verification of political parties and preparing a strategy to win in the 2024 Legislative Election (Pileg).

"In principle, Hanura is ready to win. God willing, we will again become election participants and qualify for the DPR. And send as many cadres as possible, more than 4 percent of seats in Senayan," he said.

Previously, it went viral on social media regarding a video containing the narrative of the Chairman of the Hanura Party Oesman Sapta supporting Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate.

Actually in the video, Oesman Sapta only talks about the importance of leaders being able to continue the development and program of both the previous leaders and the alignment of national leaders to the regions.

However, the video was followed by the article, "Resmi, DPP Hanura Declaration Anies Capres".

In addition, after Oesman Sapta's voice, a voice emerged from various different people who stated 'Anies the best compared to other presidential candidates'.

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