
Part of the area in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara was showered with hail and strong winds, on Saturday 10 December at 15.00 WITA. "Yes, there is hail. Like small pieces of ice falling from above," said Mrs. Heny, a resident of Karang Baru, Mataram City, told Antara.The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated, the phenomenon of hail or meteorology known as hail, is a rare weather phenomenon, especially in Indonesia. "However, this phenomenon is generally natural during the transition period or transition period or during the transition season or during the rainy season," said BMKG forecaster Zaenudin Abdu Majid Station, Lombok, Agastya Ardha Chandra Dewi, Saturday. The main cause of this hail is Cumulunumbus clouds or also known as Cb clouds. Cb clouds resulting from strong heating on the surface and unstable air in the region are able to produce significant peak heights, namely more than 5 km with very cold peak temperatures can potentially produce hail.

"Ealfall can be produced by Cb clouds when the clouds experience a strong upward process and push the ice particles to the surface and are generally followed by heavy rain of lightning and strong winds as strong gusts from the Cb clouds," he said.. Because the potential for extreme weather can also occur simultaneously, namely heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds produced by Cb clouds. "Some areas of NTB have entered the rainy season," he said.

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