
JAKARTA - The Principal of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Academy Corruption Watch (ICW) Nisa Zonzoa revealed five reasons for anti-corruption education to be important in eradicating corruption in the country. "Why is this corruption education important? Because the number of corruptors continues to grow day by day and December 10th. Then the other four reasons are that the age of corruptors who are getting younger, corruption is the responsibility of all parties, the community becomes a victim of corruption, and the number of corruption cases in the education sector.

Then, Nisa also conveyed about the many corruption cases in the education sector that made the implementation of anti-corruption education even more important in eradicating corruption. "He said based onICW's studies and research, it was found that from 2006 to 2021 there were 665 corruption cases in the education sector in general with state losses reaching approximately Rp1.75 trillion. "This is what is recorded, not yet recorded," said Nisa. This is the face of the slump of education services," said Nisa. Therefore, anti-corruption education is a step forward to start eradicating corruption because students can have awareness and understanding in preventing corruption in Indonesia.

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