
Ahead of the marriage contract of Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono in Yogyakarta, several Jogja residents were seen gathering opposite Royal Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta. Nursiami, one of the residents of Jogja who was met, admitted that she came to the Ambarrukmo area to see the marriage contract procession. "“ From Gede City at 9 o'clock, we got information that the event here is at 11,” said Nursiami when met opposite Royal Ambarrukmo, Saturday, December 10. Coming with her sister, Nursiami came on her own initiative to be able to witness Kaesang and Erina's marriage contract up close, but due to strict protocols, she could only watch from across from the location of the marriage contract. " “ I want you to see the manten. From here (across Royal Ambarrukmo) I just witnessed it. ” he said. " “ Yes (hopefully it can be close), I want it but I can't," he continued. The 45-year-old woman also expressed her happiness at the marriage of President Jokowi and Iriana's youngest children. “ The singer got the Jogja, Alhamdulillah yes,” he said. Nursiami also expressed her desire to come to the people's pestra on the measure held at the Mangkunegaran Temple, but she refused because the location was quite far away and did not have a vehicle. “ That's it, the transportation doesn't have one. So it's enough here, it's happy, ” he concluded.

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