
JAKARTA - For truck owners, maintenance so that the vehicle remains prime is indeed fairly difficult and easy. In contrast to the function of ordinary vehicles, trucks are usually widely used for logistics, construction, plantations, and other types of heavy loads.

However, the matter of maintenance, just like other motorized vehicles, truck engines must also be treated with special treatment so that they are durable and always in excellent condition. It's just that considering the load of truck work that is not light and tends to be heavy, the maintenance of trucks is something that should not be underestimated.

Errors in terms of maintenance will actually result in fast machines breaking and ultimately increase the cost of spending on repairs which is not small.

To avoid mistakes in caring for trucks and engine damage, there are several things you can do. Here are some tips for caring for the truck engine to last longer and keep giving its best performance, such as being summarized from

1. Pay attention to the periodic treatment period

The first thing to pay attention to is the maintenance period of the truck itself. All trucks have periods or periods of maintenance. For example, trucks that have operated at a distance of 10,000 kilometers must have periodic maintenance by replacing an air filter or lubricant at a distance of 20 thousand kilometers.

2. Heat the engine regularly

The newly started truck engine should not be started immediately. The right thing to do is to heat the engine first before it is used. The function of heating this machine is that all engine components are really ready to work before the truck is actually running. This will give the oil time to rise and reach the sidelines of the engine. So that when the engine is really used it is perfectly lubricated.

3. Rajin checks and cleans the air filter

The next thing that must be considered is the condition of the air filter. The air filter serves as a place for filtering the air that helps the combustion process on the engine. By often cleaning the air filter, of course the engine will be better maintained, especially the area of the combustion component of the injection system or carburetor. So, if you see the air filter needs to be cleaned, don't hesitate to clean it immediately.

4. Change the oil regularly

Just like motorcycles and cars, oils in trucks also need to be replaced regularly. This is intended to ensure that protection of truck engines can be given optimally. Thus, the lubrication system on the engine can be maintained and reduce friction between components. Not only changing oils regularly, the quality of the oil must also be considered. Use oil with a quality brand that has been adapted to the needs of the truck.

5. Check the fuel tank

Make sure the fuel tank is always available. Whether it will be used or not, the fuel must always be available and must not run out. The reason is, when the tank is empty, the condensation condition is risky and can cause carat. If there is carat, then the debris can enter the fuel pump and end up in an engine that is difficult to turn on.

6. Rajin cleans the truck

Tips for truck maintenance are no less important, namely don't be lazy to clean all parts of the truck, especially the engine. Routinely cleaning the truck serves to ensure no dirt sticks to the engine. Because if it is not cleaned in the long term it will be able to permanently damage the engine. The way to clean it is to start from the engine area to the hard-to- reach sidelines. Also clean all parts of the truck from the box cargo area to the front in the driver's area.

7. Use a truck according to the load

The next tip is to use a truck according to its cargo and capacity. Each vehicle has provisions and load capacity. In order for used trucks to last longer and continue to work optimally, make it easier not to transport goods beyond the manufacturer's provisions. The more often the truck is used to carry excess loads or overtonase, the more easily the truck will be damaged than trucks that carry loads properly or according to regulations.

8. Routinely take it to the official workshop

The last tip that should not be missed, of course, in addition to taking personal care as mentioned above, there is nothing wrong with bringing your favorite truck to the official workshop for thorough inspection. Thus, if a problem is found in the truck, it can be immediately resolved. Your truck will also be more optimal, durable, and of course business productivity will not stop.

Those are some tips for truck maintenance that can be done to keep your truck engine in shape. You can also find and find the truck you need in your truck truck near me. Well, if you have found a suitable truck, then you must do these things because besides being able to keep the truck engine healthy and the maintenance prime of the truck can actually prolong the life and productivity of your truck engine.

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