
NTT Governor Viktor Laiskodat said he had no intention of running as a candidate for governor of East Nusa Tenggara Province in the simultaneous regional head elections which took place in 2024. "I have no intention of becoming governor anymore. I prefer to return to Jakarta to change the way the apparatus thinks so that the direct regional head election system as has been done so far can be changed so that people's welfare becomes more real," he said at the DIPA handover ceremony and TKDD at the East Nusa Tenggara Province level FY 2023 in Kupang, Antara, Friday, December 9. He mentioned that the system for selecting regional heads and deputy regional heads will still be carried out directly, but when a candidate has been elected as governor and regent and mayor has entered the government system, if the person concerned does not work optimally, then that person must be replaced. "If the work is not right, it must be replaced because it is no longer feasible to become a leader in a way like this that we must do," he said, in an activity attended by the regents and deputy regents in NTT. If the regional head does not work seriously for the benefit of the people, he must be dismissed because he is not worthy of being a leader so that the local government system must be changed so that no more regional heads in NTT Province play around working for the benefit of the people. "In the government system, it is permissible if regional heads do not work optimally for the benefit of people's welfare, even though natural resources have the potential to be developed for the benefit of the people, such regional heads must be replaced," he said. According to him, almost 70 percent of the problems in East Nusa Tenggara Province are in the center, so all design processes need to be carried out from the center. "Even though the governor of NTT is no matter how great it is, if it is not managed at the center, there is a lot of wealth in NTT today that cannot be developed properly. Including the way the thinking of the central government apparatus and NTT must also be changed," he said. He explained that after returning to Jakarta, he could design the right development so that the economy in this island-based province would grow even greater.

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