
TANGERANG Two sadistic robbers armed with sharp motorbikes attacked a food shop in the Graha Raya area, North Serpong, South Tangerang, Thursday morning, December 8.

Seen on CCTV, the two perpetrators came riding a motorbike. Then one of the perpetrators got down and attacked using a sickle to a number of people who were resting in front and inside the shop.

While brandishing a sickle, the perpetrator took the victim's cellphone and left the scene.

Indra (28), one of the victims, said that the incident occurred when he and his friends were resting at the shop. Suddenly, said Indra, the perpetrator came with a sickle.

"When I looked in front, suddenly the person (the perpetrator) came. Bring a sickle," explained Indra when met, Thursday, December 8 evening.

Indra also said that there were no casualties in the robbery. However, one of his friends lost his cellphone because the perpetrators confiscated it.

"No one was injured. If there is one cellphone taken," he said.

Indra said that he and his colleagues, who worked late at night in the area, felt restless.

"It's very disturbing for us, because at night shifts. The roads are quiet," he said.

Meanwhile, North Serpong Police Chief, Kompop Evarmon Lubis admitted that he had not received a report regarding the action. However, his party will follow up.

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