
SOLO - The youngest children of President Jokowi, Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono will undergo a wedding procession to download mantu at Mangkunegaran Temple, Solo, on Sunday 11 December. The Central Java Police are preparing traffic engineering around the location to prevent congestion.

Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol. M. Iqbal Alqudusy, said the police had imposed traffic diversion at five points.

"The diversion of traffic flow is to anticipate traffic congestion around the Mangkunegaran Temple on Sunday (11 December)," he said in Solo, Central Java, Friday, December 9.

The diversion of traffic flow at five points includes the intersection of four KFC on Slamet Riyadi Street towards Mangkunegaran, then diverted to the left via Jalan Teuku Umar.

Furthermore, from Jalan Soegijapranata to Mangkunegaran Temple, it was diverted via Jalan Ronggo Warsito.

In addition, based on an Antara report, the engineering including vehicles from the Press Monument to Mangkunegaran Temple was diverted to the right via Jalan Gajah Mada, the traffic flow from the east to Mangkunegaran was diverted towards Jalan Ronggo Warsito.

Then, the intersection of the Solichin Mosque towards the Mangkunegaran Temple was diverted towards Jalan Gajah Mada.

"The traffic flow to Mangkunegaran was temporarily diverted on Sunday (11 December) from 05.00 to 23.00 WIB," said Iqbal.

To the residents of Solo, Iqbal apologized if his activities were disrupted. However, the police are trying to keep traffic flow smooth.

Previously, the Central Java Regional Police guaranteed that traffic in Solo would remain smooth because it had prepared flow engineering and the urai team at the series of carnival and prayer events for Kaesang Pangarep with Erina Gudono.

"We guarantee that the entire series of carnivals and tasyakuran downloads of Mantu Kaesang and Erina, as well as the smooth flow in Surakarta City will be maintained," said Iqbal.

The police have prepared a number of traffic description teams at five police stations, jurisdiction of the Surakarta City Police. Traffic engineering, he said, will be carried out at the moment of the carnival from Loji Gandrung to Pura Mangkunegaran.

He mentioned the kirab route starting in front of Loji Gandrung and through the road, namely the Sriwedari intersection, the intersection of three PN, the intersection of four Novotel Hotels, and so on until later finishing in Gapura Mangkunegaran.

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