The police arrested four students of SMKN 10 Semarang City on suspicion of being the perpetrators of the attack with sharp weapons against students of SMKN 3 Semarang City which occurred on Thursday, December 8 yesterday.
South Semarang Police Chief AKP Indra Jaya Syafputra said the arrest was based on the identification of the perpetrator and the vehicle through CCTV footage at the time of the incident.
The initials of the four perpetrators are MT (17) a resident of Gisikdrono, West Semarang, SAH (18) a resident of Manyaran, West Semarang, RPG (18) a resident of Candisari and MGR (18) a resident of Peterongan, Semarang City.
The police are still hunting for the other perpetrators of the attack involved in the attack on SMKN 3.
"Thursday, another student who was involved in the attack was to immediately surrender," he said in Semarang, Antara, Friday, December 9.
Together with the four perpetrators, he said, a number of sharp weapons and motorbikes were also secured which were allegedly used during the attack. The police, he continued, had also coordinated with the school so that similar incidents would not be repeated.
Previously, a group of sharp gunmen suspected of being students of SMKN 10 Semarang attacked students of SMKN 3 Semarang who were in front of the school on Thursday.
The attack was recorded by CCTV installed in front of SMKN 3 Semarang.
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