
SURAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said he would leave for Solo on Friday 9 December evening. Ma'ruf will attend the wedding of President Joko Widodo's youngest son, Kaesang Pangarep with Erina Gudono in Solo.

This was said by Ma'ruf on the sidelines of his remarks at the opening ceremony of the 2022 Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Mukernas II, in Jakarta, Thursday, December 8.

Initially, the Vice President said that he was grateful that the Mukernas II MUI was rescheduled from the previous Friday, December 9, 2022, to Thursday, December 8, 2022.

The venue was also changed from the initial plan in Lampung to Jakarta.

"I am grateful that the time has been changed, coincidentally. Because tomorrow I will attend the world KPK meeting, and in the afternoon I will go to Solo to attend the wedding of the President's son," said the Vice President.

He said that if the MUI Mukernas II was held in Lampung on Friday, it would be difficult for him to attend other agendas.

Kaesang's series of marriages with Erina began with the contract procession in Yogyakarta on Saturday, December 10. Then the tasyakuran event was held in Solo on Sunday, December 11.

Furthermore, in his remarks at the MUI Vice President's National Working Meeting, who is also the Chairman of the MUI Advisory Council, said that he always tried to attend every MUI activity as long as he could.

For Ma'ruf, MUI is home, because he has been at MUI for a long time, starting from a member of the MUI Fatwa Commission, becoming Deputy Chairman of the Fatwa Commission, Chairman of the Fatwa Commission, Deputy General Chairperson, to become Chairman of the MUI Advisory Council.

"For me, MUI is my home. If there is still another position, I will not leave MUI," he said.

On this occasion, the Vice President then inaugurated the opening of the MUI II Mukernas in 2022 with the theme Optimizing Khidmat in the Context of Increasing the Benefit of the Ummah.

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