
JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Socialization Team of the National Criminal Code (KUHP) Dr. Albert Aries emphasized that only husbands or wives can make complaints related to the article on adultery in the new Criminal Code.

"The article on adultery in the new Criminal Code which is valid 3 years later is an absolute complaint offense. This means that only husbands or wives (for those bound by marriage) or parents or children (for those who are not bound by marriage) can make complaints," Albert Aries said in a statement received in Jakarta, Thursday, December 8.

So, other parties cannot report, let alone take the law into their own hands. Thus, there will be no legal process without complaints from the party entitled and directly harmed.

He views that clarification needs to follow the rise of fundamental wrong news related to the article of adultery which has a negative impact on the tourism and investment sectors in Indonesia.

Actually, said Albert, there is no substantive change in this article when compared to Article 284 of the old Criminal Code. The difference lies only in the addition of parties who have the right to complain. Even if it is finally proven, there are alternative fines that are not more than Rp. 10 million.

"So, actually there is nothing to worry about. If so far tourists and investors can be comfortable in Indonesia, this condition will not change either," he said as quoted by Antara.

He considered it only natural that Indonesia wanted to pay tribute to the values of Indonesian marriage through this article, as long as the regulation also did not violate the private space of the community, including tourists and investors who came.

In addition to the absolute complaint offense, the Criminal Code does not require those who have the right to complain to exercise their rights because a complaint cannot be sorted, meaning that it is impossible in the complaint only one of the perpetrators is processed. Therefore, the decision to make the complaint will also definitely be considered by those who have the right to complain.

"The new KUHP has also never provided additional administrative requirements for business actors in the tourism sector to ask anyone's marital status," said Albert.

Thus, Albert assured that foreign investors and tourists do not need to worry about investing and traveling in Indonesia because private spaces are still guaranteed by law, of course without reducing respect for Indonesian values.

"So, please come and invest in remarkable Indonesia!" he said.

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