
PEKANBARU - Head of the Dumai Immigration Office, Rejeki Putra Ginting, said a Malaysian citizen with the initials NF was deported to his country because he had passed his residence permit in Riau (overstayed), which was 23 days.

"The Malaysian citizen NF has been subject to immigration administrative action in the form of deportation and submission of deterrence by the Class I Immigration Office TPI Dumai on Thursday, December 8", Rejeki Putra Ginting was quoted as saying by ANTARA, Thursday, December 8.

This action was taken after confirming that the person concerned had violated Article 78 paragraph 1 of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration.

Initially, NF was examined at the Immigration Checkpoint (TPI) of Pelindo Dumai International Port on December 5, 2022, at 09.45 WIB by TPI officers at the passenger departure office.

"From the results of the examination it was found that NF had, in fact, passed the period of his residence permit in Indonesia, for this reason, the person concerned was secured for further examination", said Rejeki.

After confirming the violations committed, NF was finally returned to his home country by using the MV Majestik Kawanua Ferry to Dumai–Port Dickson at 11.00 WIB on December 8, 2022.

Head of Riau Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, Mhd. Jahari Sitepu conveyed directions for all levels of Immigration to always show high integrity in carrying out their duties and functions.

"As the gatekeeper of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, make sure to always carry out maximum supervision so that no smugglers enter our territory. Don't hesitate to act decisively, but by applicable regulations so that no outsiders dare to try anything. commit violations in our beloved country", said Jahari.

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