
A suicide bomb exploded at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung, West Java. A number of temples on the location of people's favorites traveling history also increased their vigilance.

PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko (TWC) as managers have begun to tighten awareness of everyone entering the super priority tourist attraction.

"As one of the managers of the Borobudur Temple's vital national objects, yesterday's incident in Bandung spurred us to increase our vigilance, including from our security SOPs," said General Manager of Borobudur Jamaludin Mawardi in Magelang, Central Java, Thursday, December 8, quoted from Antara.

He conveyed that accesses that are the main entrances to Borobudur Temple, be it tourist doors or office doors, were tightened according to the mechanism for standard security of incoming vehicles.

"Oleh karena Borobudur menjadi objek vital nasional, tanggung keamanan tentu tidak sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab PT TWC, tetapi juga dari TNI dan Polri. Jadi, kami multibagis untuk sama-sama menjaga keamanan objek vital nasional Borobudur," katanya.

According to Jamaludin, from the PT TWC side, it still uses regular security, but it is more intensive to tighten, then security standard operating procedures (SOPs) are fully implemented.

He conveyed that there are three internal security patterns for security personnel operating 24 hours by monitoring the entire area.

"However, we are still backed up from elements of the TNI and Polri," he added.

Regarding the inspection of visitors' bags or luggage, Jamaludin conveyed that the inspection of luggage had become an SOP that had to be done.

All of the tourist's luggage before entering the inner zone area will be examined by officers with metal detectors for items carried through the metal detector door.

"This is a procedure whether it happened yesterday or not, that procedure is what we carry out," he concluded.

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