Member of the House of Representatives Dedi Mulyadi denied a number of allegations by his wife Anne Ratna Mustika, who is now the Regent of Purwakarta, at the follow-up trial for divorce at the Purwakarta Court, West Java.
"I was present at this follow-up trial to prove that what my wife accused in the material for the lawsuit was not true. So it needs to be conveyed so that it becomes the consideration of the panel of judges," said Dedi Mulyadi in Purwakarta, Antara, Wednesday, December 7.
One of them is the accusation about domestic violence (KDRT) psychologically, Dedi told the panel of judges regarding the truth whether Anne experienced the characteristics of someone experiencing psychological domestic violence or not.
"For example, the accusation of psychological domestic violence, yes, we want to convey that it is not true because the characteristics do not exist, we will also see the facts later in court," he also said.
Meanwhile, regarding the issue of living, Dedi said that he was financing all household needs personally. Meanwhile, the official residence is not financed, because it is already the responsibility of the state.
Another marriage is Anne's process of becoming a regent. In the process, Dedi intervened, both in terms of financing and branding her success as the previous regent at that time.
When asked about Anne's desire to provide a living in the form of family savings, Dedi said that until now all family needs, including children's education, have been provided. Even assets increased.
" “ I have said that this is our asset, this is my father's income every month, this is my father's expenditure every month, I have said. To save it is not a living category, but a family savings. If the income is something we use every day. Nafkah in my understanding is helping my wife become a regent, spending money, brand my name is a success factor, when talking about enough in our view that the villagers who usually live modestly are more than enough,” he said again.
Dedi Mulyadi gave a message to his wife Anne Ratna Mustika, who is now filing for divorce from the Purwakarta Religious Court regarding the figure of a 'enemetric enemy' who has been in the circle of the Purwakarta Regency Government, which Anne is now commanded.
“ It must be careful, because after all I am the father of Yudistira and Nyi Hyang. Husband has an ex, but there is no ex-son. And I ordered in embu ( Anne's greeting) that the name power is in end," he said.
Meanwhile, the trial which was held at the Purwakarta Religious Court took place quickly, because Anne Ratna Mustika was not present.
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