
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Anwar Abbas, responded to criticism from the United States (US) Ambassador to Indonesia, Sung Y Kim, who stated that the Criminal Code regarding the article of adultery could have a negative impact on Indonesia's investment climate. The US Ambassador asked Indonesia to respect the LGBT. According to Abbas, the criticism carries a threat that the US will not invest in Indonesia if the regulation is enforced. On the other hand, Abbas assessed, Indonesia must be able to be firm with any country that wants to invest in following the rules that apply in the country.

"This statement is clearly very tendentious and threatening because in this statement it appears that the US government wants to force and urge the Indonesian people to tolerate LGBT and kebo gathering practices. If the Indonesian government does not want to follow these attitudes and views, they will not invest in Indonesia," said Anwar Abbas in his statement, Wednesday, December 7.

"If the United States (US) continues to impose its attitude and views like this, then by borrowing Bung Karno's words, we need to declare going to hell with your Aid and investment," he said.

Anwar Abbas regretted the US government's view on the newly passed Criminal Code. According to him, the criticism reflects that the US is less friendly and does not respect Indonesia as a sovereign, religious and cultured nation.

"We deeply regret it because it reflects an unfriendly attitude and does not respect the Indonesian nation as an independent, sovereign, religious and cultured nation," said Anwar Abbas.

Previously, the United States Ambassador to Indonesia, Sung Yong Kim, criticized one of the articles in the Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP) which prohibits family gatherings. According to Kim, the rules that occur in the household between adults could have a negative impact on the investment climate in Indonesia.

"We remain worried that the morality articles that try to regulate what is happening in the home between adults who like to like it can have a negative impact on the investment climate in Indonesia," Kim said at the US-Indonesia Investment Summit forum, Tuesday, December 6.

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