
The potential for ground movement in Jakarta is predicted by the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to occur in the riverbank area due to extreme rain intensity.

From the 10 points where it is suspected that there is a potential for ground movement, two of which are in East Jakarta, namely Kramatjati District and Pasar Rebo.

BPBD DKI asked residents to remain vigilant to minimize the impact of ground movement in Jakarta. Camat and Lurah are also asked to disseminate information to the community in areas prone to potential ground movement.

Kramatjati sub-district head Rudy Syahrul admitted that his party always made appeals to the public through sub-districts and sub-districts as well as other devices after receiving information from BPBD.

"I have appealed to each kelurahan, especially in the area through which the Ciliwung River passes. We have conveyed it to RT, RW, LMK, FKDM, Babinsa, Binmas Pol to convey it to its citizens," said Rudy when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, December 7.

Rudy admitted that there were several locations in his area that were affected by landslides or landslides.

"Indeed, there are several points that (affected by landslides), but in particular most of the land is empty. Landslides are the impact of heavy rains," he explained.

The potential appeal for the land movement was conveyed by the Kramatjati sub-district head to residents who live along the Ciliwung River through activities in sub-districts and sub-districts, especially in three urban villages that the Ciliwung River passes through, namely Cililitan Village, Cawang Village and Balekambang Village.

"We have appealed through various activities, we have reminded residents, especially those who live on riverbanks, even though there is no warning from BPBD. Because this is a riverbank area that is prone to landslides, between rivers and banks there are no barriers like Dolken," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Disaster Data and Information Processing Unit of the DKI Jakarta BPBD, Michael Sitanggang, confirmed that the potential for ground movement was caused by the intensity of rain and would occur in a riverbank or riverbank area.

"In general, vulnerable areas are around the river. So the areas on the banks, which are on river cliffs, are prone to landslides or landslides," he said briefly when confirmed by VOI.

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