
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) found 462 official social media accounts belonging to candidate pairs and campaign teams who were still actively campaigning during the 2020 Pilkada calm period on December 6 to 8.

In fact, the General Election Commission (KPU) requires political parties or coalitions of political parties, pairs of candidates and / or campaign teams to deactivate official social media accounts during quiet times. This is stated in Article 50 PKPU Number 11 of 2020.

"Bawaslu found 462 official accounts that were still actively campaigning at the Facebook Advertising Center during the quiet period," said Indonesian Bawaslu member Fritz Edward Siregar in his statement, Thursday, December 16.

Fritz explained, on the first day of the calm period, there were 76 official accounts that were still active in the Facebook Ad Library. On the second day, Bawaslu found 141 official accounts that were still active in the Facebook Ad Library.

The climax is on the third day of calm, namely December 8. From the results of the patrol, Bawaslu found 245 official accounts that were still active. Facebook Ad Library.

Furthermore, Fritz said that since October 1, 2020, Bawaslu has examined 1557 urls related to the 2020 election. Of the 1557 urls, 892 urls were obtained from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo).

"Meanwhile, 665 urls are the result of Bawaslu patrols and reports obtained from internet content reporting channels owned by Bawaslu," said Fritz.

From 1557 urls that have been checked, Bawaslu asked Kominfo to download 739 urls. The reason Bawaslu asked for 739 urls to be taken down was that the urls had violated several articles, namely, Article 69 letters b, c, k of the Pilkada Law, PKPU 11/2020, PKPU 13/2020 and the ITE Law.

According to Bawaslu's analysis, there were 193 urls that violated Article 69 letter c of the Pilkada Law, 522 urls that violated Article 69 letter k of the Pilkada Law jo. PKPU 11/2020 jo. Article 62 PKPU 13/2020, 22 urls that violate Article 69 letter b of the Pilkada Law, and 2 urls violate the ITE Law.

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