The Explosion At The Astanaanyar Police, Bandung, 1 People Died, A Number Of Members Injured
Allegedly the victim of a suicide bombing at the Astanaanyar Police Station/ Photo: IST


The Deputy Minister of Astanaanyar Sub-district was suddenly crowded after hearing an explosion at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung Police, West Java, Wednesday morning, December 7.

According to information obtained, the explosion occurred in the yard of the Astanaanyar Police and claimed the victim of one person.

In the photos seen, the condition of the Astanaanyar Police is shattered on the front. And you can see one man died in a pathetic condition.

Allegedly, the explosion was a suicide bombing. The perpetrator is said to have forced his way into the police field during the morning rally.

When the explosion occurred, the perpetrator was killed and several members injured.

The Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police when contacted by VOI has not responded.

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