
JAKARTA - World Cleanup Day Indonesia (WCDI) is again holding a simultaneous cleaning action in Indonesia. This activity was carried out during the moment of clean-up day around the world, World Cleanup Day, which is routinely held in the third week of September each year. In Indonesia, World Cleanup Day will be held for two weeks from September 10-25, 2022 online and held offline on September 18, 2022.

World Cleanup Day is one of the largest social movements in the world that has mobilized people in several countries to clean planet Earth. The WCD movement aims to unite the global community and raise awareness and make changes in realizing actions for a clean and healthy earth.

This social movement is a pioneer in cleaning up the planet Earth from the many activities that damage the planet of the earth. The main goal of the clean-up movement is in accordance with the goals of SDGS Indonesia 2030, namely taking immediate action to combat climate change and its impact, one of which is to strengthen the durability and adaptability to the dangers of things related to climate and natural disasters in all countries. On this occasion WCDI is making appreciation and reporting of WCD 2022 activities. The activity was also attended by Mr. Rofi Alhanif, S.Pi., M.Sc, Assistant Deputy for Environmental and Forestry Management Coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Mr. Katiman Kartowinomo, S.E., MPP., MPP., MPA., Ph.D, Assistant Deputy for Mental Revolution of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Mrs. Mahanani Kristiningsih, Head of the Specific Waste Sub-Directorate of the Directorate General of Management of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and Mr. Imam Gunawan, Assistant Deputy for Youth Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Heidi Solba, Leader Let's Do It World, Agustina Iskandar Crombach, Coordinator of Asia, Let's Do It World and Andy Bahari, Leader World Clean-up Day Indonesia.

In the last 2 years, more simultaneous clean-up actions have been held from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation and the implementation of PPKM in a number of regions in Indonesia. This year, with the easing of pandemic conditions, actions in various regions began to transition back offline. Andy Bahari as the leader of WCD Indonesia reported that 8,302 cleaning points were opened and involved 1,907,738 volunteers spread across 34 provinces in Indonesia who managed to collect 3,770,953.96 kg of garbage.

Simultaneous actions held by the Core team (the core team of the WCDI management) consisting of various ages, ethnicities, and religions were carried out in various places and fields in Indonesia, ranging from schools, campuses, office buildings and government, mountains, rivers, beaches, mangrove forests to the seabed.

In addition to the clean-up action, the Leaders also held other environmental activities, including education to the surrounding community regarding waste sorting, utilizing organic waste for eco-enzyme, and fashion parades from recycled creations.

On this occasion, WCDI was fully supported by the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. In addition, support was also provided by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture and the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Activities can run smoothly through the collaboration of 6 core team organizations, namely Let's Do It Indonesia, Indorlawan, Destructive Fishing Watch Indonesia, Cleanaction, Pengalihan, and The Climate Reality Project Indonesia.

The success of WCDI activities this year is also not spared from the support of government officials at the provincial to city/district levels who have collaborated with Leaders in the regions. In addition, there are also 27 Community Partners and 34 Media Partners at the national level who support WCDI activities by opening clean-up points and disseminating the spirit of World Cleanup Day activities, including Lions Club Indonesia, Indonesian Islamic Da'wah Institute, River Cleanup Indonesia, Bike to Work Indonesia, Sea Soldier, Dompet Dhuafa Volunteer,

In closing, the end of this year's WCDI activities will not necessarily be the end of actions that we can do for the surrounding environment but become a reflection moment for us to continue to carry out more actions for the environment in the future and not limited to just an annual ceremonial but become something we must do and get used to in everyday life.

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