
SAMPANG - A resident became a victim of a burst of drill well gas in a residential area in Gunung Eleh Village, Sampang. Semburan also built a house and kitchen owned by residents which is about five meters from the burning drilling site.

"We have also coordinated with the police to provide security measures, anticipate things that are not desirable," said Head of BPBD Sampang Regency Government Asroni in Sampang, East Java, Tuesday, December 6 morning, quoted from Antara.

A resident who became a victim was named Matherah (48). Currently, the victim has undergone treatment at the Kedungdung Health Center, Sampang.

Asroni said the incident began when the victim was about to ignite cigarettes from a radius of 10 meters from the location of the burst.

The victim was a local resident who helped drill the water source belonging to Sahi bin Asrowi (60), a resident of Bengsal Hamlet, Gunung Eleh Village, Kedungdung District, Sampang. In an instant the fire immediately grabbed the victim's body.

"Our officers immediately evacuated in the field at the time of the incident, and based on the latest reports from officers in the field, now the condition of the victims has improved," he said.

According to Asroni, since the incident, many residents have flocked to directly involve the incident.

"We also reported this incident to the Regent of Sampang, Slamet Junaidi, so that it becomes his consideration in taking further steps, such as whether gas content research is needed in the bore well, and others," he said.

The bore well that was dug out by the fire gas occurred in Bhenbeih Village, Bengsal Hamlet, Gunung Eleh Village, Kedungdung District, or about 10 kilometers north of Sampang City. A burst of gas occurred on Monday, December 5 since 08.00 WIB.

Sahi bin Asrowi (60), a well driller, said that his intention was to drill a well to get clean water because in the hamlet residents often had trouble with clean water during the dry season.

Initially the drilling went smoothly as usual and at a depth of about 35 meters which lasted for three days, a spring was found.

"The source is strong. But over time the water smells like gas, and when it is hit by sparks it immediately catches fire," he said.

The burst of volcanic gas from the boss's well that was excavated by residents had reached a height of 3 meters, burning houses and kitchens of residents not far from the drilling site.

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