The management of Royal Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta ensures the readiness of the Royal Ambarrukmo Hall as the venue for the marriage ceremony for President Joko Widodo's son, Kaesang Pangarep with Erina Gudono which will take place on December 10, 2022.
"You guys have seen (the pavilion) is getting beautiful, it's starting to get better, what is certain is that you are ready," said General Manager of Royal Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta Herman Courbois to the media crew at the Kepatihan Complex, Yogyakarta, Antara, Monday, December 5.
On Monday, a number of workers repainted a number of ornaments in several corners of Pendopo Agung located between the Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel and Plaza Ambarrukmo Mall. While on the east side of the cultural heritage building, several workers began to set up all-white tents.
According to Herman, the program to repair or renovate various corners of the pavilion building is routinely carried out, not just to prepare for Kaesang-Erina's wedding. "There is no certain renovation. It has been a long time since the renovation of the road. During my two years in Yogyakarta, the road has been renovated," said the man from the Netherlands.
Meanwhile, regarding the readiness of dishes for invited guests, according to Herman, management has offered three to four choices of traditional to international menus to wedding organizers (WO) for Kaesang and Erina's wedding. However, he said, until now there is no certainty that the menu will be selected.
"I know yesterday they had a meeting, the meeting was also here, last night there was a meeting in Solo, Central Java. Hopefully after this I will get an update," he said.
Although he has not yet received confirmation of the menu choice, Herman believes that the management still has sufficient time to prepare the dishes that will be ordered later.
"Today is only Monday, if (the contract is married) so Saturday there is still enough time. The name of the hotel must be there, yes, yesterday I told my friends that I definitely have preparations for the hotel, but if the catering might be different stories because they have to prepare themselves. I have a kitchen, I have everything infrastructure everything is done," he said.
The reservation or room booking rate at the Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel, Herman admitted, had increased ahead of Kaesang-Erina's wedding.
"Indeed there are 'bookings'. Last weekend we were 'full', our 'weekend' is full next week, there are some 'bookings' from ministries but I have to choose which one (related) weddings," said Herman Courbois.
Deputy Head of Yogyakarta Regional Police, Brigadier General Slamet Santoso, said that around 400 to 500 police personnel were prepared to secure the marriage ceremony for President Jokowi's son in Yogyakarta on Saturday, December 10.
According to Slamet, a number of locations have become the main concentration of the Yogyakarta Regional Police, starting from the residence of the bride and groom in Purwosari Hamlet RT 03/RW 59, Sindudi, Kapanewon Mlati, Sleman Regency to the Royal Ambarrukmo area as the location for the marriage contract.
"There is a series of residences, there are Ambarrukmo, hotels, and other guests, including for the needs of the other community, there are several points," he said.
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