
JAKARTA - Western sanctions against Russia will not be lifted if Russia'mendik's terms of settlement of peace in Ukraine, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in an article for Foreign Affairs magazine, published on Monday.

"It is clear from the start that these sanctions should be imposed for a long time, as their effectiveness increases every week," Chancellor Scholz wrote.

He declared Moscow "needs to understand that no single sanction will be lifted if Russia tries to dictate the terms of the peace agreement."

Coordinate with his partners, "Germany is ready to reach arrangements to maintain Ukraine's security, as part of a potential postwar peace settlement," Chancellor Scholz said.

On the same occasion Chancellor Scholz reiterated, to end the conflict in Ukraine, Russia must withdraw its troops.

"Our message to Moscow is very clear: we are determined to defend every inch of NATO territory from any possible aggression," he stressed.

"We will respect NATO's serious pledge that attacks on one of its allies will be considered an attack on the entire alliance. We also make it clear to Russia that its recent rhetoric regarding nuclear weapons is reckless and irresponsible," he explained.

The West, in response to Russia's decision to carry out special military operations in Ukraine, imposed massive sanctions.

A number of Western politicians do not deny that the economic war is taking place with Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin said on March 16, Western sanctions policy against Moscow had all the features of aggression. He stressed that Russia's detention policy is a long-term Western strategy.

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