
JAKARTA - Allegedly due to an electrical short circuit, a Laundry kiosk on Jalan Kemang Utara, Bangka, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta caught fire. South Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. officer, Usman confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Monday, December 5, during the day.

"The one that caught fire was the Laundry kiosk warehouse. The cause of the fire was suspected to be an electrical short in the warehouse," Usma said in his statement, Monday, December 5.

The incident began when the building owner, Abdul Malik, would turn on the power switch. Suddenly a spark appeared until finally the fire lit in the warehouse with used laundry materials.

For this incident, Abdul Malik immediately reported to Sudrajat, a retired firefighter. Then proceed to report to CC 41, 3 units of sector III were launched to the scene.

"A total of 12 personnel and three firefighters were deployed. At 13.05, the blackout started. At 14.15 the blackout was over," he said.

Usman confirmed that there were no casualties in the incident. However, material losses are estimated at up to IDR 50 million.

"The material loss reached Rp50,000,000. There were no casualties," he concluded.

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