
JAKARTA - The KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU) has sent a letter to the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa and KSAU Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo to watch the 2015 KSAUD - February 2017 Agus Supriatna in court. However, Agus did not attend.

Although the letter had been sent, Marshal (Ret.) Agus Supriatna did not also fulfill the summons to attend as a witness in the trial for the accused Director of PT. Diratama Jaya Mandiri Irfan Kurnia who was charged with corruption in the procurement of the AgustaWestland (AW) 101 helicopter for VIP/VVIP President vehicles.

"We missed the summons for personnel from the Indonesian Air Force to the Commander, through a special route through the TNI Commander and then sent to the Chief of Staff and carried out by the implementing unit including witnesses on behalf of Agus Supriatna, and until now there has been no confirmation of the presence of witness Agus Supriatna," said KPK prosecutor Ariawan Agustiartono at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), Monday, December 5.

Agus Supriatna was summoned as a witness at the trial on November 21 and 28, 2022, but he also did not answer the summons.

Apart from Agus, there were four other Indonesian Air Force personnel who were also not present in court even though they had been summoned in a case that caused state financial losses of Rp. 738.9 billion.

The four are Ignatius Tryandono as Head of the Air Force Aeronautics Service (Kadis Aero AU), Fransiskus Teguh Santosa Secretary of the Air Force Procurement Service (Sesdisada) of the Indonesian Air Force who also serves as Head of the Procurement Service Unit (ULP) and Chair of the Transportation Helicopter Procurement Committee.

Furthermore, Heribertus Hendi Haryoko as the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) who has the main duties and authorities, among others, determined the plan to procure the TNI's Alutsista which includes Technical Specifications of the TNI's Alutsista and Self Estimated Prices (HPS) and Supriyanto Basuki as Assistant for Planning and Budget (Asrena) for the Indonesian Air Force for the 2015 period - February 2017.

"Witnesses from the TNI, there are less than 5 witnesses on behalf of Ignatius Tryandono, we have brought a death certificate, then witnesses on behalf of Fransiskus Teguh Santosa and Heribertus Hendi Haryoko, both of them are sick and there is a medical record as well," said Public Prosecutor Yoga Pratomo as quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, the witnesses on behalf of Agus Supriatna and Supriyanto Basuki also still have no confirmation.

"Agus and Supriyanto Basuki still don't have an answer because we have conveyed the summons to their residence, their house is also empty and officially we have written to the commander and KSAU," said Prosecutor Yoga.

Yoga also asked the panel of judges to allow the prosecutor to read the Minutes of Investigation (BAP) on behalf of Ignatius Tryandono, Fransiskus Teguh and Heribertus Hendi.

"Is there any information from the doctor or not? If it is read out later, next week, we will call again. Yesterday the reason for attending the graduation of the child, now it is sick, what else will it be tomorrow? If you want to read it later, we will hear the witness now, next week we will call again, if he dies, we read it, the important thing is that we present the witness who is now," replied the chairman of the panel of judges, Djumyanto.

Another witness outside the Indonesian Air Force personnel who has not been present is Angga Tungggaran as a staff member of the Finance Department of PT. Diratama Jaya Mandiri.

"Yesterday our team arrived at his house (Angga Tungggaran), we have met the family that has been handed over and we have also met his family and from us also contacted him by telephone to talk to Angga's family, so our letter has been submitted. The field team also has not found it at this time because the person concerned has fled but we are still working. God willing, we can get it," said prosecutor Ariawan.

Because fact witnesses did not attend the summons, during today's trial, the KPK prosecutor presented a lecturer at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Aerospace of the Hisar Manongam Pasaribu New Institute of Technology.

In the indictment, it was stated that the Command Fund (DK/Dako) was intended for the Chief of Air Force Staff (Kasau) for the 2015-2017 period Agus Supriatna worth IDR 17.733 billion from Irfan Kurnia. This amount is 4 percent of the phase 1 payment for PT. Diratama Jaya Mandiri, which is worth IDR 436.689 billion from the total payment of IDR 738.9 billion.

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