
JAKARTA - The government continues to remind every region to anticipate natural disasters that often occur in Indonesia.

"The government has indeed ordered that local, provincial and district governments, especially those who are customers of the disaster, have prepared themselves to anticipate, mitigate things that may occur," said Indonesian Vice President Ma ruf Amin in Jakarta, Monday 5 December quoted from Antara.

This was conveyed by the Vice President in response to reporters' questions about directions to related parties regarding the anticipation of natural disasters which will increase at the end of 2022.

The Vice President emphasized that Indonesia already has a disaster management institution, while on the other hand, Indonesia is also often hit by natural disasters every year so that each region must anticipate.

"Every year (a number of areas) always experience what landslides are, what floods are, what earthquakes are because we indeed have earthquake areas, volcanic eruptions too. Therefore, we anticipate," said the Vice President.

According to the Vice President, anticipation can be carried out in each region by providing warnings and education to the community, as well as preparing for the possibility of natural disasters in their respective regions.

"Including the budget that must be prepared in the regions, apart from the center and also of course the regional apparatus, the control agency in the regions and this is all the government has asked them to continue to be prepared for various possibilities," explained the Vice President.

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