
SURABAYA - The number of additional COVID-19 cases in East Java increased by 5,270 new cases in the last month, namely on 9-15 December 2020. This figure is suspected to have jumped after the holidays and the 2020 simultaneous regional elections.

To date, cases of COVID-19 in East Java have reached 72,124 people. Of that number, 62,277 people recovered, 5,016 died, and 4,831 people were still being treated.

The most additional cases came from Malang City as many as 91 people. Followed by 67 people in Lamongan Regency, 61 in Banyuwangi, Kediri and Jember Regencies with 40 people each, and 38 new cases in Surabaya and Jombang.

Meanwhile, the number of red zones or high-risk areas for COVID-19 increased to six from the previous three regions. The city of Kediri, which was previously included in the orange zone or a moderate risk area, is now a red zone.

Meanwhile, the other five regions are Banyuwangi, Jember, Tuban, Blitar City and Malang City. Meanwhile, for the orange zone, there are 32 districts / cities in East Java.

"Actually, the Covid-19 cases in East Java had decreased from August to September, but after the holidays and Pilkada, it increased significantly," said Windhu Purnomo, an Epidemiology Expert from the Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University (Unair) Surabaya, Wednesday, December 16.

Windhu said, this condition could get worse when there is momentum for a long holiday at the end of December. Where many residents use their vacation time to travel, triggering new cases of COVID-19.

"10 days after the long holiday, cases rose immediately and until now it is unbearable. Indeed, sometimes there is a slight decline, but after that it rises again," said Windhu.

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