
Deputy Regent of Garut, West Java, Helmi Budiman stated, two people who were injured by building materials due to the earthquake had received medical treatment. The condition of the two victims began to improve. "We are handling it well, hopefully we ask for prayers to be cured quickly," said Helmi Budiman after reviewing the condition of the earthquake victim at his home in Putrajawa Village, Selaawi District, Garut, Antara, Sunday, December 4. The victim at the time of the earthquake last Saturday was in a shop and the asbestos material hit his head and body. "Two people were injured, the mother (namely) Mrs. Iin, her two-year-old grandson suffered abrasions," he said. He conveyed that the earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 in Garut on Saturday was felt by quite a lot of people who caused damage to houses. The earthquake incident was based on a rapid assessment conducted by the local government that there were no casualties reported. "We get data and carry out monitoring, the first is that there are no casualties," he said. In addition to the Deputy Regent of Garut inspecting the northern area affected by the earthquake, Garut Regent Rudy Gunawan and other regional leadership elements also visited a number of southern areas of Garut, one of which was Talegong District. The Garut Regent said that the earthquake located in Garut did not cause any casualties or houses were heavily damaged, only known to be damaged, such as cracks on the walls. "Convincing that in Talegong District, thank God, there were no casualties, no houses were damaged, there would be cracks," he said. Regarding the handling of the earthquake, the Garut Regent has issued a warrant for all levels of the Regional Apparatus Work Unit (SKPD) within the Garut Regency Government to control 42 sub-districts in Garut to ensure the condition of the Garut community. In the Garut Regent's Order Number: KP.11.01 /4979 /TAPEM, it also instructs every SKPD to monitor to submit the results of its review report to the Garut Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Call Center at 085220611117.

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