
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Yandri Susanto asked village heads (kades) to maintain national unity and integrity, especially in the political year ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections. "The village head must be a catalyst so that in the political year in the village there will be no commotion, slander, and bring down each other. So that the village head must be able to maintain peace," Yandri said in a statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, December 4. Yandri said this during the inauguration of the Branch Leadership Council (DPC) management of the All-Indonesian Village Government Association (Apdesi) of Serang Regency, Banten, last Saturday. He reminded Indonesia to enter the political year in 2023, so it is estimated that political tension will increase. According to him, to anticipate the increase in political tension, village heads must be able to maintain conducive conditions because they can be vulnerable to problems. "In the political year, the village head will be visited by politicians and potential politicians. This condition is vulnerable to various problems. For this reason, it is hoped that village heads will be able to maintain their mandate as leaders in the village," he explained. In addition, Yandri also assessed that the village head as the spearhead of the government must also be able to oversee the development so that it can achieve the desired targets and goals. Therefore, he asked the village heads to provide correct development data, such as poverty data that must be in accordance with the criteria set by the government. "If the data submitted is correct, then the policies or programs made by the government are not wrong," he said. He said there needs to be honesty from village heads because all the data needed in Indonesia is in villages. Yandri hopes that village heads really understand the data collection of poverty, human development index, economy, and others. "I hope that the village head in Serang will not only maintain the existing development but also participate with the regent to carry out development," said Yandri. He revealed that development in Serang Regency has been running on the right track because the area looks more developed. Yandri gave an example that Banten Province will have a hajj dormitory, so that prospective pilgrims from the province do not need to go to Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory in Jakarta. "The construction of the first tower is almost complete and next year it will be followed by the construction of the next tower. The existing rooms are equivalent to rooms in five-star hotels," he said. He hopes that the construction of the Hajj dormitory in Tangerang City can be synergized with the Banten Provincial Government and the Tangerang City Government.

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