
JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono together with Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono participated in the Ciliwung Rowing Festival today, Sunday, December 4 morning.

Heru and Basuki accompanied the rowers by riding a boat, along the flow of the Ciliwung River in front of the Pasar Rumput Flats, South Jakarta, to BNI Dukuh Atas Station, Central Jakarta.

In this activity, Heru wanted to show that the Ciliwung River not only has a function as a means of flood control, but can also be used for other activities.

"The point is that we realize that we have to take care of the Ciliwung River and of course we have to fix it, one of which is for flood prevention and besides that its function is for sports, entertainment, and others," said Heru in the Dukuh Atas area, Central Jakarta, Sunday, December 4.

Heru also asked the public to take care of it by not littering with the Ciliwung River because it was actually the cause of the Jakarta flood.

"I appeal to only one community, not to throw garbage around, not to throw garbage into the river. The Ciliwung River belongs to us, which we must protect and assets for all of us, our assets," said Heru.

Meanwhile, PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono revealed that the Ciliwung Rowing Festival activity aims to popularize rowing and socialize the maintenance of the Ciliwung River.

Basuki also plans to hold a competition in the Ciliwung River in the near future. "We will hold activities in Ciliwung, four to six months so that people know that Ciliwung is very useful for us," said Basuki.

He gave an example, the government can hold a boat ornamental competition next year, which can be followed by the public. This getek is exhibited in the Ciliwung River and the best getek will get a prize.

"Don't ask the prize, just get ready, people. We will also follow the traditional boat to make it more lively. The goal is only one, we will keep this Ciliwung well," he said.

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