
JAKARTA The plan to revise the Law on the Capital City of the Archipelago or IKN proposed by the government to the DPR RI has caught the attention of the Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti..

Furthermore, LaNyalla explained, in Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning the Basic Regulations of Agrarian Principles, there are at least two meanings in the affairs of state-owned land. Namely, it is controlled by the state and there is no right to land yet, as well as land owned by government agencies with rights to certain land, such as rights to use during use or management rights. Both types of land cannot be sold just by the state, except through the stages of transfer of state assets. And it must obtain legislative approval," he said. So, he added, the government must be careful in making policies, including regarding the IKN Law. Do not let the policies taken actually harm the state. Previously, the Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa explained the reasons for the revision of the Law on the Archipelago Capital City City or IKN, one of which was to accommodate investor wishes.

One of the investor requests, according to Suharso, is the status of the land which was originally only the right to management as ownership rights. "Yes, regarding land matters as well. We want to make sure again because investors want to be able to not only get rights for 90 years or maybe double 180 years, but how can people buy land there," said Suharso Monoarfa at the State Palace, Central Jakarta.

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