
JAKARTA - One of the commanders of the Syrian National Army (SNA) Mustafa Sejari said on Thursday his troops were ready for ground operations in northern Syria.

"It can be said that we have completed the preparations, military and field preparations needed to start military operations," Sejari told Daily Sabah in an exclusive interview, as reported December 2.

"We are waiting for the right time and zero hours to start moving forward and ground control. Our troops in the Syrian National Army are ready to carry out ground operations with allied forces in the Republic of Turkey," he added.

It is known, as part of Operation LAW-Sword, the Turkish Armed Forces continue to attack terrorist targets in northern Syria and Iraq with supporting elements of air and ground fire.

Turkey's planned ground operations against terrorist groups in northern Syria could be launched at any time, Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalyan said on Tuesday.

Speaking during a television interview on A Haber, Kal Darin said that Turkey would not seek permission from anyone.

"Operations can be carried out in various ways. It could be tomorrow, next week or anytime. Turkey will determine the time, place and scope," added Kal

It is known, since 2016, Ankara has launched three counterterrorism operations that successfully crossed the border in northern Syria, namely Euphrates Shield in 2016, Olive Branch in 2018, and Peace Spring in 2019.

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