
National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo escorted the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono to undergo a fit and proper test as a candidate for TNI Commander in the Indonesian Parliament.

Sigit said, this assistance is a form of solidity between the TNI and Polri as ordered by President Joko Widodo. Apart from the National Police Chief, Yudo Margono was also accompanied by KSAU Marshal TNI Fajar Prasetyo and KSAD General TNI Dudung Abdurrachman.

"This is one proof that the TNI-Polri are solid. We are together with other chiefs of staff to escort Mr. Kasal, Mr. Admiral Yudo Margono or I usually call Mas Yudo to do a fit and proper test," said Sigit at the Nusantara II Building. DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, December 2nd.

"Mr. President has repeatedly conveyed that the TNI-Polri must always be solid, must always be synergized," he added.

According to Sigit, the synergy and solidity of the TNI-Polri is very important, especially since Indonesia will soon enter the political year ahead of the upcoming 2024 General Election. In addition, he said, it is also the capital for Indonesia to face a global situation full of uncertainty at this time.

"So that the stability, Kamtibmas (Security and Public Order), public security, state security, state sovereignty, government sovereignty are very important, because this will also have a controlled impact on political stability. With the spirit of solidity, existing synergy, we hope that Indonesia will continue to be better," said Sigit.

Sigit ensured that he would maintain his commitment to increasing activities involving the National Police with the TNI. The TNI-Polri, he said, will always be ready to look after and guard the community.

"I think this is also what the community is waiting for and expected," he added.

Not to forget, Sigit expressed his support for Yudo Margono to undergo a fit and proper test today smoothly. Sigit also prayed for Yudo to be sworn in as TNI Commander to replace TNI General Andika Perkasa who retired at the end of December.

"I think he is very competent, because he was elected and of course after he was appointed commander, he would certainly have programs for the TNI," said Sigit.

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